For NEPRA, Sustainability is not merely a corporate initiative; it is a mindset that reflects across every part of our organization. We wholeheartedly commit to environmentally and socially responsible, sustainable, and transparent operations, while creating long-term value for our stakeholders. NEPRA is creating people oriented, process conscious waste management system, which can help us in achieving the goals aligned to varied nationally and internationally determined commitments and guidelines such as COP, UNSDGs, UNGC etc.

Materiality Assessment


NEPRA acknowledges the critical importance of addressing environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, understanding their impact on both organization and stakeholders. Our commitment to sustainability is underscored by a systematic and transparent Materiality Assessment process. Our Materiality Assessment is a comprehensive analysis aimed at identifying, prioritizing, and responding to key ESG topics that are of utmost significance to NEPRA and our stakeholders.

  • Sustainable Waste Management

  • Climate Action

  • Water Management

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • Employee Development and Well being

  • Community Growth and Engagement

  • Occupational Health, Safety and Hygiene

  • Child Labour

  • Data Privacy and Digital Security

  • Risk Management

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Corporate Governance

  • Advocacy and Policy Leadership

  • Branding and Communication

Contributions to UNSDGs


NEPRA actively contributes to the global pursuit of sustainable development by aligning with the United Nation’s sustainable development goals (SDGs), a global call to action, which provides a roadmap for building a better and more sustainable future for all. The SDGs holistically covers all the social, environmental, and economic challenges including poverty, gender inequality, health, sanitation, decent work conditions, economic growth, sustainable development, clean energy, climate action, life on land and below water etc.

Taking these goals into consideration, the organization is having linkages with 15 out of 17 UNSDGs. By formalizing the waste sector, providing essential services, and ensuring fair wages, NEPRA contributes to goals such as no poverty, good health, and well-being. By providing sustainable waste solutions and services, NEPRA addresses the need of waste management infrastructure through waste diversion towards recycling and co-processing, dependency on virgin plastic, coal & other materials is reduced thereby supporting climate action strategies of our public & private partners. We are committed to gender equality & right to equal wages without any form of biasness.